Monday 29 February 2016

HTML of the day

Some part of HTML

Okay. I learn about HTML today. So far, it looks interesting.

Sometime I will just thinking how it works and why it just consist in the world.

We can just "beautify" our web afterwards if we created a web and we used to function the HTML well.

Before I started to touch this course, I might accidentally saw script, coding and other else and I just feel like "what the hell is it". and now I step in the course, I learn it as HTML tags, elements and so on.

Image 1 :HTML tags list

Here is a link that can learn a very basic HTML click me to watch.

Image 2 :Periodic Table of HTML elements

For the current version HTML 5, Josh Duck has developed a periodic table for HTML 5 elements. The periodic table shows the 107 elements  currently in the HTML 5 working draft.

Friday 26 February 2016

First WWW Class

First ever WWW Class

I have my first WWW class this Thursday (25 February 2016). 

My lecturer is Dr. Syamsul who was the lecturer i met in the first time. 

So far, I enjoyed the first class because the class is going simple and not confusing me. 

We had a small tutorial before the class end. We just need to use Dreamweaver to change the content of the face that Dr. Syamsul provided. 

WWW is actually what we always said "website". The meaning won't run far away.

So what is Internet? The connection.

Yes, just that simple as just my lecturer had told us.               

Interesting Introduction to WWW Click me to watch